Why So Many
Dr. Lewis Foster, one of those who helped translate the NIV and the
NKJV says, It is necessary to continue making new translations and revising old ones
if people are to read the Word of God in their contemporary languages. With the passage of
time, words change in meanings. For instance, in King James day the word
prevent could mean come before but not necessarily in a hindering
way. So the translators in that day rendered 1 Thes. 4:15, For this we say unto you
by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord
shall not prevent them which are asleep. But today the word prevent has
lost that earlier meaning (come before), so it must be translated differently to convey
the proper meaning: According to the Lords own word, we tell you that we who
are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not
precede those who have fallen asleep (NIV). ...To keep the translation
of Gods Word living it must be kept in the living language the people are
using. ¹ While new translations have generally been a welcome contribution to
the comprehension of scripture, they have also received mixed reactions across the
Christian spectrum. One story is told of a pastor who tried to introduce a revised version
of the Bible to his rigidly conservative congregation. So whats wrong with the
King James Version? said one woman in defense. In my opinion, if it was good
enough for Jesus, its good enough for us! The amusing irony is that Jesus
obviously did not speak the Old English of the King James Version neither was the
Bible originally recorded in English. Despite the sacred tradition that many revere of the
KJV, it is merely a translation of the inspired Word of God, not the initial source. The
Old Testament was authored in Hebrew and Aramaic, and the New Testament in Greek. While
the original autographs no longer exist, translations are made from ancient manuscript
copies, of which there are today at least 24,000, whole or in-part, with which to
compare. ² ![]()
An English version of the Bible did not exist until a little more
than 600 years ago. Before then, a version translated into Latin by Jerome in the fourth
century, called the Latin Vulgate, was the most widely-used Bible translation in the
middle ages (the first major book printed on Gutenbergs press in 1456). Portions of
scripture in English began to emerge in the early seventh century, but the first complete
English translation was not produced until 1382 by the influence of John Wycliff. Despite
fierce opposition of the Roman church, and absence of the printing press, copies of this
work were widely circulated. Later in the 16th century, seven more popular English
versions were produced, beginning with William Tyndales work in 1525. This English
version of the New Testament was the first to be translated directly from the Greek
instead of Latin texts. Before Tyndales completion of the Old Testament, he was
tried as a heretic and executed in 1536. After Tyndale, several other famous Bibles were
produced in the 16th century. The Cloverdale Bible in 1535, Matthews Bible in 1537,
The Great Bible in 1539, The Geneva Bible in 1560 (the first to use chapters, verses, and
the italicization of added words), and the Bishops Bible in 1568. Finally in 1604, in an effort to resolve severe factions between
Englishmen over Bible versions, King James I authorized the translation of another version
that came to bear his name. Forty-seven scholars spent six years on the translation, with
all work meticulously reviewed and refined by their combined collaboration. The four
existing Massorec texts were used for the Old Testament, and a third edition of the
Byzantine Greek text by Stephanus (often referred as the Textus Receptus), was
used for the New Testament. The King James Version was finally published in 1611, and
together with its four revisions (in 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769), it remains as the most
widely circulated Bible in existence. A few other translations were produced over the
centuries, but the real revolution of new Bible versions began to erupt in the 20th
century, largely due to the widening language barrier. Some of the more influential,
recent translations have been: The Revised Standard Version in 1952, The Amplified Bible
in 1965, The New English Bible in 1970, The New American Standard Bible in 1971, The
Living Bible in 1971, Todays English Version in 1976, The New International Version
in 1978, and the New King James Version in 1982. Apart from these versions, there are numerous study Bible editions,
such as the Scofield Reference Bible, the Open Bible, the Thompson Chain Reference Bible,
or the Spirit Life Bible, etc., but these are not different translations. These volumes
merely feature special study helps, commentaries or references added as a supplement to a
particular translation. Besides updating the Bible to contemporary language, another
controversy with new translations arises over the issue of the original texts. The KJV New
Testament (and all editions since Tyndale) was compiled primarily from the Byzantine
family of manuscripts (A.D. 500 - 1000) frequently referred to as the Textus Receptus. But
many of the newer translations were produced using a composite of later discoveries of
other manuscripts and fragments dating from an earlier period. Among such are The
Alexandrian Family manuscripts (A.D. 200-400) which include the three oldest:
The Codex Alexandrius, the Codex Vaticanus and the Codex Sinaiticus, all which were major
contributors to most Bible versions after the King James version. Other important codices
come from The Western Family, (of the Western Mediterranean areas), and the Caesarean
Family of manuscripts (A.D. 200). (A codex is a manuscript bound together like a book
instead of rolled into a scroll. Codices is plural for codex.) Many scholars feel that the older manuscripts have been somewhat
more accurate and important to the refinement of the newer translations. However, this has
been disputed by others, especially since the older copies make up a tiny portion of the
large quantity of manuscripts available. At least 90% of the 5,400 existing Greek
manuscripts come from the Byzantine family (the basis for the Textus Receptus), and due to
the overwhelming numbers of copies with which to compare and verify for accuracy, some
scholars feel that the small handful of older texts should not be used to overrule the
credibility of the majority. Although textual criticism shows only slight differences
between the manuscript families, in those passages where the older text differs with the
newer, the modern translators usually deferred to the older, primarily from the
Alexandrian Family manuscripts Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. It should
be emphasized that none of the revisions in the new era translations, such as the NIV or
NASB (compiled with Alexandrian Family Manuscripts), conflict with any rule of faith or
doctrinal issue, but some conservative church leaders refuse to accept any tampering with
the tried and proven Textus Receptus translation of the King James Version. In
response to such concerns, the theological community came to see the need for another
version, one which would satisfy the need for updated language without venturing beyond
the traditional text source. Thus, in the late 1970s, Thomas Nelson Publishers
commissioned a company of scholars to produce a revision of the traditional King James
Version. Relying on the familiar Textus Receptus, 130 translators made the needed
revisions to modern English and corrections to minor translation errors, while making
every effort to retain the traditional phraseology of the old version. This New King James
Version, as it was called, was completed in 1982. Today, most Evangelical churches will make random use of any of the
various translations mentioned here. Frequently a pastor will recommend one particular
version to be used exclusively by the congregation so that everyone will have an identical
source to refer to during the preaching or Bible studies. This not only helps eliminate
confusion, but also makes it possible to engage in corporate word-for-word readings of
scripture, something that wouldnt be possible if everyone was reading from a
different version. After some research on the various versions, every believer would do
well to zero in on a primary version to which they devote their study and commit passages
to memory. Its inadvisable to allow the issue of translations to become a
distraction. For the average layman, most of the differences between the translations are
relatively insignificant. All the versions we have listed have a high degree of harmony
and convey the same general message of Gods Word, but will use some of their own
distinctive phrases and words. The following is a summary of the most popular versions,
along with a brief evaluation: The King James Version (KJV) Translated in
1611 by 47 scholars using the Byzantine family of manuscripts, Textus Receptus. This
remains as a good version of the Bible. It has been the most reliable translation for over
three centuries, but its Elizabethan style Old English is difficult for modern readers,
especially youth. This is still a good translation for those who can deal with the
language. The New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Translated in 1971 by 58 scholars of the Lockman Foundation, from Kittles Biblia
Hebraica and Nestles Greek New Testament 23rd ed., which include the Alexandrian
Family codices. Though academic in tone, it is said to be the most exact English
translation available. A very good version.
The New Living Translation (NLT) — Published in 1996 by the Tyndale House Foundation, this began only as a project to revise to its predecessor, The Living Bible, a 1971 paraphrased rendition of the King James Version by Kenneth Taylor. The work however, evolved into a complete new translation, involving ninety translators over seven years. Rather than a literal word-for-word rendition, this is a simpler “thought by thought” translation, based on Kittle’s, Nestle’s and other Hebrew, Greek and Latin texts. It is a significant improvement over the The Living Bible, easy to read and a good version for devotional study. The New International Version (NIV) Over 100
translators completed this work in 1978 which was composed from Kittles,
Nestles and United Bible Societys texts, which include the Alexandrian Family
codices. This is considered an open style translation. It is a good, easy to
read version. The New King James Version (NKJV) 130
translators, commissioned by Thomas Nelson Publishers, produced this version from the
Byzantine family (Textus Receptus) in 1982. This is a revision of the King James version,
updated to modern English with minor translation corrections and retention of traditional
phraseology. This is a very good version. References: CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO BECOME A CHRISTIAN
This article (VL-171) is copyrighted © by Dr. Dale A. Robbins, 1990-2025 and is a publication of Victorious Publications, Grass Valley, CA - Nashville, TN. Unless otherwise stated, scripture references were taken from The New King James Bible, © Thomas Nelson Inc., 1982. In some references to real persons, pseudonyms may have been used to preserve their privacy. You may download this article for personal use as long as you retain credit to the author. Obtain permission before reproducing copies for any reason, by filling out our simple use permission form. Many of our writings are also available as free pdf tri-fold pamphlets, which can be downloaded for reproduction from our Online Catalog. For media reproduction rights, or to obtain quantities of this title in other formats, email us. If you have appreciated these online materials, help us reach the world with the Gospel by considering a monthly or one-time tax-deductable donation.