New Age Movement: |
During the recent years of international turmoil and
crisis, an enormous neopolitical/religious order, called the New Age movement, has quietly
emerged. They are made up of a world-wide network of thousands of cooperating
organizations. They are united under the common bond of esoteric or occult teachings, with
the goal of forming a one world order. Many students of Bible prophecy have carefully
watched the development of this movement, and feel that this may very well be that
predicted entity from which the Antichrist will emerge. A Brief History of the New
Age Movement The origin of the movement dates back to at least
1875 with the theosophical teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and later in the
1920s with the teachings of Alice Ann Bailey. The Theosophical Society, as it was
called, espoused the abolishment of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, promoting the unity
of other world religions. They claimed that their teachings were revealed by
spirit or elemental guides (demons). They emphasized heavily the evolution of
a self deified, master aryan society, and a one world new age religion and
social order. In 1922, Baily founded the Lucifer Publishing
Company, which printed and distributed their teachings (Lucifer was Satans
first name). These teachings were very complete in their intent and goals. Step by step
they plotted the coming new age with instructions for the institution of the necessary new
world order. ![]()
Bailys teachings established the symbol of a
rainbow as their identification sign, and discussed extensively, plans for religious war,
forced redistribution of the worlds resources, mass planetary initiations, theology
for a new world order, world-wide disarmament, and elimination of obstinate religions. She
even discussed the sacredness of the new world leaders number, 666 (the number of
the Beast). The Present New Age
Movement Today, the New Age movement appears to be a loose
knit group of innocent organizations with ambiguous goals or leadership. But beneath the
surface there is a definite, organized, secret leadership and strategy which guides the
vast movement. The main body of leadership resides in an organization called The
Planetary Initiative For The World We Choose. One of their most celebrated demonstrations of unity
and public relations occurred on August 16-17, 1988. Over eighty million New Agers unified
themselves for what was called the largest assembly of mass meditation in history. Widely
reported by the news media, the Harmonic Convergence, also referred to as the
Planetary Surrender, occurred simultaneously in nearly every nation and major
city. Led and organized largely by 144,000 Shamans, witches, witch doctors and a whole
assortment of New Age mystics, they joined in a period of meditation agreement for the
release of spiritual forces which would bring about their desire for a
one world government and world religion. Only two years earlier, on December
31, 1986, a slightly smaller gathering of fifty million New Age adherents joined in
meditation for the purpose to alter the manner which humanity understands
reality. In actuality, these gatherings of meditation were
acts of worship and service to the Devil. One can only imagine what kind of demons and
evil spiritual forces were unleashed upon the world as witch doctors, shamans and mystics
called upon the powers of darkness to distort humanitys perception of truth. Is it no wonder that evil and wickedness has
intensified in the world since that time? Think of the power of God that could be released
if eighty million Christians combined their faith in one massive prayer meeting! Who They Are And What They
Believe Publications which list the numerous cooperating
groups are the Spiritual Community Guide, and The New Age
Magazine, with thousands of listings. New agers claim that all mind science groups
are a part of the new age. They also include various occult groups, mystic religions,
witchcraft organizations, pagan religions, ecological organizations, neopolicital and
secular organizations. In the U.S. and Canada over ten thousand organizations are
identified as New Age, such as Amnesty International, Greenpeace, The Sierra Club,
Zero Population, The Guardian Angels, and thousands of other secular and religious
organizations. Other groups synonymous with the New Age are The Age of Aquarius, The
Aquarian Conspiracy, The Human Potential Movement, The Holistic Movement, Humanistic
Psychology, and a host of others. The modern New Age movement has a definite agenda
which has been agreed upon by their constituents. Adopted much after the same original
ideals as Alice Ann Baily, the manifesto of the New Age movement calls for a: (1) New world order After extensive analysis of its teachings and goals,
expert political scientists agree that the New Age movement parallels the ideals and
philosophy of Nazism of the 1930s and 1940s. New Age writings even claim that
leaders such as Adolph Hitler and Jim Jones were disciples of the movement. Before the
Jonestown, Guyana massacre, Jones Peoples Temple was listed as a New Age
Spiritual Center, in the Spiritual Community Guide (a handbook for
New Agers). The Coming Antichrist In the late 1980s, prominent New Agers, David
Spangler and Benjamin Creme ran full page ads in many of the worlds newspapers
announcing the soon appearance of the Christ. This personality was introduced
as the Lord Maitraya, alleged to be a world-class messiah and
great teacher whom they claimed would bring world peace and solutions to the worlds
problems. To date, their Maitraya has not yet emerged as a celebrated leader, and may not.
But the aspirations of Creme, Spangler and other New Agers are clearly seen. They are
seeking a man, whether god or devil, who will be their image of a messiah, coming to save
the planet. Finally, what we know about the New Age movement so
far is this: It is extremely large and is made up of an extensive network of mystic,
occultish figures devoted to the goals of a forced global government and religion. They
have expressed their rejection and hostility toward Christianity and other major
religions, and seek to establish a universal leader who will fulfill the description of a
satanic deity. Truly there has never been a more ideal environment
to produce that man of deception, the personification of the Devil himself. And if this is
the organization of the Beast, we know that this means the rapture, the tribulation
period, and the second coming of Jesus Christ is close at hand (2 Thes. 2:2-9, Rev.
This article (VL-120) is copyrighted © by Dr. Dale A. Robbins, 1990-2025 and is a publication of Victorious Publications, Grass Valley, CA - Nashville, TN. Unless otherwise stated, scripture references were taken from The New King James Bible, © Thomas Nelson Inc., 1982. In some references to real persons, pseudonyms may have been used to preserve their privacy. You may download this article for personal use as long as you retain credit to the author. Obtain permission before reproducing copies for any reason, by filling out our simple use permission form. Many of our writings are also available as free pdf tri-fold pamphlets, which can be downloaded for reproduction from our Online Catalog. For media reproduction rights, or to obtain quantities of this title in other formats, email us. If you have appreciated these online materials, help us reach the world with the Gospel by considering a monthly or one-time tax-deductable donation.