Tuesday October 15, 2024
Audio Video

The Chastening of the Lord

By Dale A. Robbins

The chastisement of the Lord is something we seldom hear about from today’s pulpits. In my earlier years as a Christian, I can’t remember a single sermon about it, nor can I recall any books written specifically on the subject. But it is an issue that all Christians should learn about, because sooner or later, most will probably discover what it is to be chastened of the Lord.

In scripture, the term “chasten” is used to describe acts of discipline, correction, and corporeal punishment. According to the Bible, the Lord’s chastening is generally be considered painful and unpleasant (Heb. 12:11), intended as a “rebuke or reprimand” to change one’s behavior. In the Old Testament, the ordeals of the Children of Israel, including defeat by enemy armies, were often referred to as chastisement for sin and rebellion (Deu. 11:2). But the purpose of chastising is not to destroy (Psa. 118:18), but to lead to repentance (Jer. 31:18-19) and to restore God’s blessing (Psa. 94:12).

Chastisement is not a bad thing. Although unpleasant, it is not to be confused with the wrath or judgment of God... Read More >>
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